jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012

The Stranger Blog response #2

“ ‘Why, why did you shoot at a body that was on the ground? ’ Once again I didn’t know how to answer.” p 68

            This quote is missing a key piece of information. The reason. Why did Meursault shoot the man? And why did he keep shooting him when he was dead? Many people debate over this issue and criticize the fact that the exact reason is never revealed. I think that the author excludes that information on purpose (that much is obvious) and that the exclusion of this explanation is very important when it comes to understanding the character and the novel itself. This fact reveals (or confirms) Meursault’s existentialist character, he doesn’t think about the future, or past, and he simply does things as situations present themselves before him. Possibly he truly doesn’t know why he did it, since in his perspective life is worthless, he sees no reason to do or not do anything. Therefore he just shoots the Arab, as a reaction to the absurdity of his situation. Subconsciously, one could argue, Meursault wants to shoot the Arab. Not because he hates him or wants him dead, but because it is a way to fight and rebel against the absurdity and meaninglessness of life.

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