lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

Waiting For Godot Blog 1

Waiting For Godot Blog 1

As I finished reading the last page of Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett I was left with a feeling of uncertainty and confusion. I didn’t quite understand it, to the point that I was frustrated and disliked the play. My confusion and frustration was rooted in the lack of plot and action in the play. Who is Godot? Why are they there? I had so many questions and no answers. Later I started to understand that this had no meaning and that the point of the author was exactly to write a very inconclusive play. From what I gathered, Vladimir and Estragon are waiting for something or someone-Godot- all they know is they want to find him or it desperately. The two men constantly mention that Godot will save them. What Godot represents is something people seek eternally: a meaning to their life. Often they think of hanging themselves, the thought of Godot’s possible appearance-or even existence- restrains them. It is definitely a very abstract book, even it could be labeled minimalist. The vast endless plain-nothingness as described in the book- is a representation of human existence, how it is vast and plain and endless. And with all this people still wait for something or someone who will never appear and will promise to appear tomorrow.

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